Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Weight of Ease: Almost Daily One-up, 05/05/13

The whole “be careful what you wish for” line of thinking is, for the most part, fraught with bullshit. What, we’re not supposed to wish or hope or work toward anything we desire because it’s all going to wind up a mess anyway? Thanks, Eeyore, I’ll get right on that.

But there is a kernel of truth to be found buried in that old saw: everything has a cost. We generally wish things for ourselves that will bring us ease or happiness. Every new circumstance, however, involves new territory, and so brings new challenges; and we can’t consider those challenges ahead of time because we don’t know what they’re going to be until our wish comes true. 

That’s what today’s casting looks at: the weight of ease. The Major Third of Percussion – ease in the realm of health, wealth, home, sex, anything physical – is dangling off of re, the last note of the scale. And, being in the key of E, we’re feeling that weight in our Solar Plexus: it’s sucking the life out of us, making us feel weak. WTF, we’re thinking, this was supposed to be fun!

What needs to be remembered is that challenges are golden. Sounds ridiculous when we’re in the soup, I know, but consider this: life a trip to the soul gym – we want to finish the program stronger than when we started. We don’t learn so much when things are rosy. The trick is to see our challenges as part of a larger, often indiscernible process, and, when we’re not too emotionally overwhelmed, to find that quiet place within that can accept and even embrace them. That itself tricky to maintain: can we do so without running some sort of martyr drama? It’s all part of the work, chums. Remember that major third is still a major third: even when it feels heavy, it’s still a gift.

Musical notes: In the context of an E descending major scale, a marimba rolls an F# with a D below: a gentle dissonance and a gentle glimpse of a new key, a new context, unfolding.

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