Thursday, May 30, 2013

Almost Daily One-up. 05/30/13

It is tranquility, peace, that is needed now. Creativity blooms in silence within.

Casting notes. The keycenter of D ascending speaks of the Sacral Plexus Chakra, of creative forces at work or play. The scalepoint of le descending indicates a time of dependence, of something needed or needy. The Tranquillo Card is a directive to express in a peaceful and tranquil manner.

Musical notes. In the Muzoracle, every major scale implies another major scale traveling in the opposite direction a tritone away: a D ascending scale, like the one in this casting, implies a concurrent Ab descending scale. In this case, when the scalepoint of le appears, we sound a Bb: the flat 6 in an ascending D scale, yes,  – but also, and most importantly, re in a descending Ab scale. 

Playing around with this on the piano this morning, I found myself playing a riff from a piece I wrote long ago. It’s called “Home,” and is very tranquil in nature – it’s about Hoofhaven, my home in in the Sierra Nevada mountains, and it’s in D, and le figures heavily. I was just there a couple of days ago, immersed in tranquility - so I included it here. (The crickets, btw, were recorded by hanging a couple of microphones out in the canyon at night. Above left, the pond at Hoofhaven in very early spring. ☺)

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