Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Clarity Begins in the Body: Almost Daily One-up, 05-15-13

We must have “harmony in body” in order to experience intuition, insight, and clarity of thought. Consider this: feelings manifest in the body – if they didn’t, we wouldn’t know we were having them (think about it – if it weren’t for the butterflies, how would you know you were nervous? If it weren’t for the openness in your chest, how would you know it was love?) Each thought we have subtly – or not so subtly – carries some sort of feeling with it: call it “opinion.” As we journey through our thinking and feeling day, then, bodily tensions of various sorts arise and hold – and shape the apparatus that does further thinking. Our clarity of thought begins to unravel; new feelings arise from our muddied thoughts, which in turn manifest in the body, which lead to thoughts and opinions removed further yet from anything core. You get the idea – we start the day somewhat awake, and finish it a reactive, tense mess that needs a cocktail.

The upshot is we can’t clear our heads by starting in our heads – we can’t think our way into clarity. We need to check in with our bodies first, to quiet them, to acknowledge what’s happening, to release tensions where we can. Any meditation or yoga practice worth its salt involves that, and that’s what’s called for here: whatever our belief systems or lack thereof, we need to develop a practice, a technique.  “Know thyself” isn’t a thinking thing, it’s a body thing – or at least it starts that way. “I think, therefore I am” is fantasy. I am, whenceforth I think.

Casting notes. The keycenter is A ascending, indicating issues involving the Third Eye chakra: intuition, insight, clarity of thought. The scalepoint is me descending, indicating governance, the point in process where rules are laid down. The card is a Major Triad of Percussion: harmony in the realm of the physical, of body, health, wealth, home, community.

Musical notes. In the context of an ascending A major scale, a 2nd position C major triad sounds percussively, affecting a somber and cool shift into Dorian. 

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