Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Almost Daily One-up, 02/12/13

Antsy? Restless? Feeling “gotta move” so strong you’re almost panicked? Remember: that feeling, that sense of urgency, has its own life, its own needs and consequences; and while it may seem to be an essential driving force, it may actually be pulling energy or distracting you from your goal. Relax your body, accept where you are, calmly focus on your heart’s desire: allow the act of centering to convert the coarse fuel of anxiety to the finer fuel of wish. Movement will come: nothing stays in the same place for long.

Casting notes. The keycenter of C descending references the Root Chakra and the need to ground. The scalepoint of “me” ascending indicates acceptance and forgiveness. The Minor Sixth of Horns indicates “longing in the realm of movement and creativity.”

Musical notes. In the key of C scaling downward, an Eb with a C above it appears: longing gone all minor and serious, particularly intense on brass (I’m hearing french horns.)

Otvaranje za 12.2.2013.

Nemirni ste? Toliko snažno osećate kao da morate da se pokrenete da ste skoro u panici? Zapamtite: taj osećaj hitnosti ima svoj sopstveni “život”, svoje sopstvene potrebe i posledice i iako često izgleda kao neophodna pokretačka snaga, u stvari može da Vam oduzima energiju i ometa Vas u Vašim ciljevima. Opustite svoje telo, prihvatite ono što jeste i gde jeste trenutno, smireno skoncentrisani na želje svog srca. Dozvolite prizemnosti da Vam pomogne da sirovo gorivo strepenje i nervoze pretvorite u pokretačko gorivo Vaših želja. Promene će doći, jer ništa ne ostaje na istom mestu dugo vremena.

Tumačenje otvaranja: Silazni ključ C, prikazan na crnoj kocki, predstavlja prvu čakru i neophodnost prizemljenja. Solfeđo nota ME uzlazno indicira prihvatanje i opraštanje dok karta “Minor Sixth of Horns” označava želju i čežnju za pokretom i kreativnošću. 

Muzička zabeleška: U silaznom ključu C, prikazanom na kocki kao Eb sa oznakom C iznad, nalazimo snažnu čežnju koju sobom nosi ključ u molu, posebno naglašen kod limenih duvačkih instrumenata.

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