Friday, February 22, 2013

Almost Daily One-up, 2/22/13

Who is She for you? Mary? Quan Yin? Gaia? Sofia? Your own mother, alive or dead? An undefined yet palpable presence within? In Nature, in the workings of the universe, in our own lives and hearts, She abides: infinite compassion, infinite mercy, and infinite, egoless strength. 

You remember Her: that is the gift of today. And today you have the honor of remembering Her to others: through your kind words. Let go, let Goddess. And speak.

Casting notes. The keycenter of Ab descending indicates energy moving downward from the Third Eye to the Throat Chakra: insight moving into communication. The scalepoint of “me” ascending speaks of a time of acceptance and forgiveness. The Perfect Fourth of Voices speaks of conscious yielding, of the Divine Feminine, in the realm of Spirit, with an emphasis on communication.

Musical notes. In the context of Ab Major the note B appears with an E above it, and an E major triad is implied.

The valley spirit never dies;
It is the woman, primal mother.
Her gateway is the root of heaven and Earth.
It is like a veil barely seen.
Use it; it will never fail.
-Tao Te Ching
Ko je Ona Vama? Devica Marija? Kuan Jin? Gaja? Sofija? Vaša rođena majka, živa ili ne? Misteriozan osećaj, nešto neodređeno u Vama, ali opipljivo i prisutno. U prirodi, u funkcionisanju univerzuma, u našim životima i srcima.Ona ostaje: beskonačno saosećanje, beskonačna milost, beskonačna, nesebična snaga.
Zauvek je pamtite: to je poklon dana. Upravo danas imate čast druge da podsetite na Nju: kroz Vaše ljubazne i nežne reči. Oprostite drugima u Njenu čast. 

Tumačenje otvaranja: solfeđo ključ Ab, silazno, prikazan na crnoj kocki, označava energiju kretanja od "trećeg oka" ka čakri Grla; od sasvim jasnog shvatanja ka komunikaciji, to jest izgovaranju istog. Notna skala ME govori o vremenu prihvatanja i opraštanja. "The Perfect Four of voices" ("savršena Četvorka glasova") ukazuje na (božansko i ženski pametno) svesno popuštanje u duhovnom carstvu, s naglaskom na komunikaciji.

Muzička zabeleška:
U ključu Ab "nota B", prikazana sa oznakom "E" iznad, implicira E dur trostrukog akorda.

Duh doline nikada ne umire.
Nazvan je ženom.
Dveri tajnog ženstva
Nazvana je koren neba i zemlje.
Kao da večno odoleva i deluje bez upijanja.

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