A creative approach is required, and a sudden increase in force, a shock, is needed to achieve it. This shock might be something you need to issue; if so, make sure you're coming from a higher place, not from fear. Alternately or additionally, the shock might involve an unexpected change in circumstances. In any case, own it, use it. Hold 'er steady, keep your eyes on the prize.
Casting notes. The keycenter is Eb Descending, indicating energy moving downward from the 3rd to 2nd chakra: power into creativity. The scalepoint of “la” descending indicates governance, the rules of the game; the sforzando card indicates a sudden, unexpected increase in force.
Musical notes: In a descending Eb major scale, suddenly C!, loud and startling.
About the Almost Daily One-up. A little project taken on by J S Kingfisher for 2013, whereupon he starts the occasional day with a one-card Muzoracle casting asking the question, “What insight or exercise might be most helpful to my readers today?” Subscribe to the Muzoracle Addenda and have them sent to your inbox.
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