Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Almost Daily One-up, 01/30/13

A creative approach is required, and a sudden increase in force, a shock, is needed to achieve it. This shock might be something you need to issue; if so, make sure you're coming from a higher place, not from fear. Alternately or additionally, the shock might involve an unexpected change in circumstances. In any case, own it, use it. Hold 'er steady, keep your eyes on the prize.

Casting notes. The keycenter is Eb Descending, indicating energy moving downward from the 3rd to 2nd chakra: power into creativity. The scalepoint of “la” descending indicates governance, the rules of the game; the sforzando card indicates a sudden, unexpected increase in force.

Musical notes: In a descending Eb major scale, suddenly C!, loud and startling.

About the Almost Daily One-up. A little project taken on by J S Kingfisher for 2013, whereupon he starts the occasional day with a one-card Muzoracle casting asking the question, “What insight or exercise might be most helpful to my readers today?” Subscribe to the Muzoracle Addenda and have them sent to your inbox.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Almost Daily One-up, 01/27/13

Check in with your body and take a moment to gently release any tensions you might find, and set an intention now to maintain a relaxed physical presence throughout the day. Let the arising of creative energy serve as a reminder, no matter how small: composing an email, setting a table, let each creative act today remind you to release tension and feel yourself alive in your skin. 

Casting notes. The keycenter of D descending indicates energy moving downward from the 2nd chakra to the first, from creativity into manifestation. The scalepoint of “se” speaks of intention; the Perfect Fourth of Percussion speaks of the Divine Feminine manifesting in the physical world.

Musical notes. In the context of a descending D major scale a Db arises from an Ab, referencing the key of Db major: a consonance appearing as a dissonance shocking us into sinking downward chromatic movement. The upper note of the fourth, Db/C#, is the same note as “ti” in the descending scale of D, softening the blow and allowing the interval’s openness to shine. 

About the Almost Daily One-up. A little project taken on by J S Kingfisher for 2013, whereupon he starts the occasional day with a one-card Muzoracle casting asking the question, “What insight or exercise might be most helpful to my readers today?” Subscribe to the Muzoracle Addenda and have them sent to your inbox.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Almost Daily One-up, 01/23/13

Instead of thinking of things in the usual way or making assumptions, take time to listen to, acknowledge, and respect a different viewpoint. Seeing – not necessarily agreeing with, but seeing and understanding – the basis of another viewpoint can shed light on the perhaps unseen basis of our own, and lead to a broader, more functional understanding of what’s at hand.

Casting Notes. The keycenter of "A ascending" indicates energy moving upward from the throat chakra to the third eye: communication leading to insight. The scalepoint of “re” indicates mechanical or habitual behavior. A Major Second of Woodwinds refers to independent, though not necessarily conflicting, ways of thinking.

Musical Notes. Keycenter + scalepoint + card = A, B, C#: three consecutive whole tones. Not particularly dissonant nor harmonious, not really leading anywhere: just you, me, and what we want, all singin’ away. (Okay, fluting away☺)

About the "Almost Daily One-up." A little project taken on by J S Kingfisher for 2013, whereupon he starts the occasional day with a one-card Muzoracle casting asking the question, “What insight or exercise might be helpful to my readers today?” Subscribe to the Muzoracle Addenda and have the Almost Daily One-up sent to your inbox.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Almost Daily One-up, 01/19/13

It’s a good day to be artful, and you will meet with success—provided you focus on the positive.

Casting notes: The keycenter is Eb descending, indicating movement downward from the 3rd chakra (manifestation) toward the second chakra (creativity.) The scalepoint of “la” indicates governance, the rules of the game. The Major Third of Woodwinds indicates positive thinking. Musical Notes: Keycenter + scalepoint + card = first position Ab major triad in the key of Eb - sweet!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Daily One-up, 01/17/13

While it is essential that we acknowledge, accept, and work through whatever feelings come upon us, sometimes after their initial onset our feelings get caught in a kind of feedback loop, drawing energy for no other purpose than to keep themselves alive. Grief can become chronic depression, for example; simple insecurities can become phobias. Once these feedback loops are established we become psychologically, even chemically addicted to them: that’s how they own us. The things that distress us most make us feel strangely alive. 

When we are fortunate enough to recognize this mechanism at work within us, a choice appears: we can pull the plug; we can say, “thanks, but no thanks,” and direct our energy elsewhere; we can simply stop feeding the critter and let it die. This casting speaks of such an opportunity: feelings are flooding through us, yet now we are given a moment of seeing: a vision appears that allows for new possibilities. Seize the day! When that ol’ devil comes a-knockin’, tell him you're busy. What is this new way of seeing and being? What does it entail, where might it lead?

Casting Notes: The keycenter of F Descending references the heart chakra and speaks of "feelings coming down." The scalepoint of "se" indicates "intention moving up." The Tritone of Woodwinds speaks of impetus and transformation in the realm of thought. Musically, the interval between the keycenter and the scalepoint is a downward tritone, while the card creates a tritone going up from the scalepoint right back up to the keycenter. We're talking serious tritone here, a straight ahead blast to a new level.