Saturday, October 13, 2018

UPDATE: Muzoracle, 2nd Edition

Greetings all, and to all who’ve been waiting, I thank you for your patience. Completing the second edition of the handbook and website has been far more of an undertaking than I imagined.

The new stuff. The new edition of the handbook—“Muzoracle Mythopoetics: A User’s Guide”—is upwards of 200 pages, and in full color. It will be released as a Kindle ebook and a PDF, and will be free to all. (The ebook format allows for hyperlinks, which make referencing a snap. Printing the book—as I initially planned—would have been exorbitantly expensive, and ecologically less sound—and ebooks are frankly more useful when dealing with material that requires a lot of cross-referencing. Kindle books are readable on more than just Kindles, btw—the Kindle app is free for tablets, phones, and desktops.)

Included in the new physical Muzoracle package will be a printed, full-color Quick Reference, with basic casting instructions and short, concise indices for the cards and dice—also a big help, especially for beginners. The Quick Reference will be sent free of charge to all current system owners.

Timeline.  The User’s Guide is finished. Underway is formatting it for Kindle. It will be available for download by mid-November at the latest—when it is, I will post notification everywhere. The entire Muzoracle system, along with the Quick Reference, will be back on the market before Thanksgiving. The website update will be well underway by then as well, though it may be ongoing through Christmas—in addition to textual information, there are hundreds upon hundreds of sound samples to upload. The site will, however, be fully functional and integrated with the new system upon the system’s release. 

More info, more clarity, more simplicity. Between the new User’s Guide, Quick Reference, and site upgrade, there is a whole lot more information available than there was when the system was initially released. Nonetheless, the system is now easier to use, and much simpler for novices to begin. For those who wish to dig deeper, there is much to satisfy. The Quick Reference provides a clear entrée to system, and a way to begin using it quickly—especially when coupled with the how-to videos going up online. In the User’s Guide, the indices are more fleshed out than those in the Quick Reference; the “Metaphors in Play” section of the guide explores the cards and dice even further. The “Mechanics to Metaphor” section of the guide details the musical, acoustic, and cosmological underpinnings of the system; the “Deeper” and “Further” sections of the guide are just that, exploring the system’s design elements, further subtleties in casting, interpreting castings on an instrument, and using the Muzoracle alongside traditional Tarot.

Come fly with me! I am very excited to at last be able to share all the developments the system has undergone since its inception in 2008—I thank you all again for your patience. And btw—if you find yourself in or near the Coachella Valley—visiting Palm Springs, perhaps, or at one of our music festivals—please don’t hesitate to contact me, to meet and talk shop, or book a casting and sound bath with me at Philomusica Studios.

All the best,
J S Kingfisher